Nine Night
National Theatre, 2017
The brief: Nine Night tells the story of the wake following the death of Gloria, a Jamaican woman who had been living in London for decades. For her family, marking her death with a party that lasts over a week is a test. Nine nights of music, food, sharing stories – and an endless parade of mourners.
The image captures the procession turned parade, showing 5 of the main characters: from the grand-daughter learning to dance the Kumina to Gloria’s daughter waiting for a sign from her mother.
The show brought in the most ethnically diverse audience the theatre had ever seen (43% from a BAME background and 23% seeing a show at the National Theatre for the first time) and sold out. A transfer was quickly announced to Trafalgar Studio Theatre in the West End, which was promoted using the same artwork.
The poster won Best Poster at the Theatre and Technology Awards 2018.
Photography by Sorted